What is difference between Front-End and Back-End ?
Digital programming has two major components — Front-End and Back-End. Just like Yin and Yan, these two are inseparable and incomplete without each other.
The term “front-end” Means to the user interface, while “back-end” means from developing end like the server, application and database that work behind the scenes to deliver information to the user but hide from users.
Here is The Difference Between Front-End Development Vs Back-End Development
Front-End Development
- Refers to ‘client-side’
- Focus on what users see (User interface)
Back-End Development
- Refers to server side of an application
- Focuses on codes
- Languages: JAVA, PHP, PYTHON, .NET
From logo designing to website development, CodeASea is here to help you take your business to the next level with both Front-End and Back-End Development.